The Seven Lives of Kittens

Cats are certainly the great winners of the Covid-19 pandemic. In times of collective anxiety and personal distress, increasingly more people have discovered the pleasures of owning a cat. Cats fool us by presenting them as innocents, sensible, and vulnerable fluffy creatures. Their tiny, pinky rose noses pick up the finest fragrances. They rotate theirContinue reading “The Seven Lives of Kittens”

Sensitivity of Neighbors

It is hard to imagine life without sounds, phrases, laughs, and even many quarrels. In my view, an acoustic dystopia is not a world full of noise, but a soundless existence. Living your life freely in your home corners does not mean you are intruding into the privacy of others. Sometimes, happiness can be aContinue reading “Sensitivity of Neighbors”

The Silly Celebration of the Broken Hearts

There is a day when hearts are broken more than any other day of the year. It happens so because everybody puts all their hopes and invest all their affection in this very day. The uses and abuses of Valentine’s Day throughout recent history have depleted this celebration of love from its highest meanings andContinue reading “The Silly Celebration of the Broken Hearts”

A Recipe of Liquid Happiness

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am quite confident that we cannot express what we feel or what we taste without exaggerating our impressions. The presence of coffee in our lives is a gift from nature. It is also a gift of life since coffee makes people create around it an entire world ofContinue reading “A Recipe of Liquid Happiness”

Monster of social relations

I’ve seen a lot of people around me destroying their relationships and social life by simply looking at that bright, illuminated screen. That beautiful small monster which steals away from us the most graceful moments of our lives. We called this little, but all-mighty monster, the smartphone. Here are six tips to get rid ofContinue reading “Monster of social relations”

The lost girl who found her way in Sibiu

It is the harsh life that forces you to tear apart every one of your dreams that you once wanted to achieve or only thought you could achieve. It is the tyrannical war that destroys any beautiful thing and obliterates one’s timeless memories, to the last threads of optimism in life. It shatters your soulContinue reading “The lost girl who found her way in Sibiu”

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